Thursday, July 11, 2013

There comes a time when you just have to move on.

Well my friends,
The time has come to say goodbye to this here blog.
I feel it has run its course.

The good news, is that I have started a new one!
Swing by and say hello, won't you?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's kind of awkward knowing one of the "bachelors"

Are any of you watching The Bachelorette?
I'll tell you a secret...
One of the guys went to my high school.
He was such a d-bag.
He is still a d-bag... I'm sure.
My sister saw him at their 10 year high school reunion and said he hadn't changed a bit.
I mean when you start a "cool kids of high school" club after high school has know that is d-bag status!
I won't disclose which one it is since I feel like I've talked a lot of s*** on him already!
I'm a horrible person.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Moving is intense.

Oh boy.  Why didn't anyone tell me how much was involved with moving?
I've been in Vancouver, Washington for almost 1 whole week now.
It feels longer.
This week was filled with changing insurance (health and car!), changing all information, setting up my room, getting a new car, starting my new job...etc.
Phew.  So tired.

The good news is that I am really enjoying my job.
It is such a change of pace from any job that I have ever had.
I am actually being trained, my bosses bought me a brand new chair, and the people I help on a day to day basis are actually nice and not yelling at me.
It's wonderful.
I still have to get a second job since this one is only part time, so keep your fingers crossed that I get the one that I interviewed for last Tuesday.  I should find out either way about that one this coming Tuesday. *fingers crossed*

The other good news is that I did a bit of exploring.
Here are some crappy iphone photos. 
I'm definitely going to go back with my "fancy" camera and do a bit more!

Mt. Hood- Taken from Fort Vancouver

The Columbian River- Taken from Portland Womens Forum State Park

Multnomah Falls

Portland Rose Gardens

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

And Just Like That...I'm moving.

I had a job interview in Vancouver, WA this week.
Guess what?  I got the job!
It is at a publishing house and I couldn't be more excited.
Sure it's only part time and I'll have to find a second job but it is in the field I want to get into!
I am feverishly looking for a place to live since I start on Monday.
So, goodbye sunny California and hello Vancouver/ Portland!

I've been going through such a crazy mix of emotions.
First I was ecstatically happy, then I was a crying wreck.
I'm leaving my family, my friends.  Everything.
I won't know a single soul in this area, or even within a few hours drive!
I'm trying to look at it as a new start. A new beginning.
We'll see what the next few months have in store for me.

Monday, May 20, 2013

That time I went to Portland, Oregon to do a half marathon.

My friend and I signed up to to the Portland, Oregon Rock n' Roll Half Marathon back in February.
Did I train for this half marathon at all?
That would be a no.
Gah, who am I?
When I met my friend in Portland, I told her I wasn't sure if I was going to do it or not.
She said she wouldn't mind not doing it, so we went all the way to Portland to not do a half marathon.

It was still an adventurous weekend though.
We walked about a mile and a half to our hostel
only to figure out that we had booked it for the wrong night!
I think I nearly died of laughter!
We called many hotels but everywhere was fully booked due to the race.
Luckily, we were able to find a hotel by the airport (they only had a smoking room available, but that sure beats sleeping on the streets!)
and it was another mile and a half walk to the hotel from the train.
We walked all around the city.
We went to the Saturday market which was fantastic.  
Then, we walked another mile and a half to get some Dutch Brothers coffee. 
It is seriously the most delicious coffee you will ever taste. 
If you go to Oregon, you must have Dutch Brothers!
It rained quite a bit on Saturday.  I did not where the right shoes at all.  
My feet were shriveled up like a grandma from all the water!  But, Sunday was gorgeous. 
I'm tempted to move to Portland!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

On digging yourself out of a hole.

It's easy to think of all the things I don't like about my life.
Being unemployed, applying to countless jobs without a response, going to horrifying interviews, still living at home, having no friends, a blog that has taken a backseat, family drama, etc.
However, I had an epiphany the other day.
Image found via Tumblr
 Maybe if I change my attitude, then things will get better.
And even if they don't actually get better, I will at least feel better.
It is so hard being down all the time, 
why not fake being up and see if that actually leads to becoming happier.
Nobody wants to be around a negative person, so I think changing my attitude will change other people's attitude towards me and that in turn will breed more happiness.
At least this is my theory.
I want to be happy, so I need to start looking for the good in everything again.
Change my attitude, my outlook, my interactions, and my thoughts into positive ones.

"Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence."
Barbara Marciniak

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I changed the name of my blog from Simply Call Me Sylvia to ii follow rivers.
I'm going to make buttons soon!
And I'll probably be making a few format changes as well.

I think this is going to be a new start... I hope!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Oi vey.

What has come of my poor little blog.
I can't even remember the last time I blogged.
It must be the fact that I have been in a funk.

The good news was that last week I had a job interview.
It was in San Francisco.
Quick story about my time in San Fran:
I got to my interview a bit early, so I decided to kill time at the Starbucks across the street.
Not one but TWO Michael Jackson impersonators started talking to me.
Please note that I was completely minding my own business and didnt even realize they were there until they started to talk to me!
It was awkward to say the least.
I mean how do you tell a Michael Jackson impersonator that you do not want ti give him your phone number?
I also posted that question on FB.  My friend said, "Beat It". I died of laughter and wished I had been that witty!
I also have a problem with random strangers talking to me.
Like the time a LA Fitness representative started talking to me at Wal-Mart about his time at a nudest beach in Europe.  I'm not even making this up!

I spent nearly a week and a half up in NorCal.
That's Northern California if you didn't know.
I spend most of the time with my aunt and cousins.
We hiked in Yosemite, saw Iron Man 3, went bowling, and ate A LOT.
I also visited with my grandma which is always the best.
Then I went to the Bottle Rock Napa Festival.

It was ah-mazing.
3 days of music!  Including: The Black Keys, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Iron & Wine, Kings of Leon, Rogue Wave, Grouplove, Train, Cake, Rodrigo y Gabriella.
So good. So dusty. So sunburned.
My tanlines/burnlines make it look like I'm still wearing sandals.

It was great to get away. But now I am trying to think of what to do next.
I guess getting back on the job hunting horse is the only option. Sigh.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Best Place in the Whole Wide World.

You guys probably already know this,
but I have the best MeeMaw in the whole world!
She's literally the most amazing person.
I want to be her when I grow up.
I went to visit her this weekend,
it's about a 4 hour drive from where I live.
and her farm is the most amazing place you will ever go to.
She is such a freaking bad-ass, like, I can't even.
She is 78 years old, and runs a farm.
She has a horse, sheep, 2 dogs, and like 100 cats.
No, she's not a crazy cat lady...she needs them to keep to gofers away.
She also used to have lots of chickens, but the coyotes kept eating them.
She'd let me collect the eggs, and wouldn't get mad when I would accidentally drop them!
These are her sheep.  One of them just had a baby on Easter. I think you can see it in the photo.

I have some photos of her farm around here somewhere!
I guess that will have to be another post!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ok, well now what?

I was going to do another "oh dear, it's Monday again" gif set.
But, for's not really a normal Monday.
I got laid off from my job on Friday.
So, I guess it's back to life like this post on my previous interviews.
Oh, I sure hope not!
I actually feel like the world is at my fingertips!
I can start over in a sense.
Do I want to go back to school and get a teaching credential?
Do I want to move?
Well, I for sure want to move.
The question is where? or even, when?
What do you guys do for a living?
Because, you know, I'm kind of looking for some ideas.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Single Shaming.

I think I've mentioned on here before that I am 100% single.
I like being single (most days).
I've always said that if I'm married at 30-32 I'll be happy.

But, what I want to write about today is single shaming.
Oh. my. lord. I can't tell you how often this happens to me.

Random co-worker (only 3 days I started my new job):
"Oh, so now that you have this job are you going to find someone and get married and have kids?"
Umm, what?  That's kind of a personal question, and I hardly know you.
And if you did know me then you would know that kids are DEFINITELY no where in my thought process.

Other co-workers:
"So, do you have a boyfriend?"
"No, I don't."
"Oh, well how old are you?"
"Oh...umm...well you still have time."
Hell yea I still have time.  This isn't the 1800's, and I am not an old maid just yet!
That last statement is usually followed up by what I call "The Look".
Which is basically a sympathetic yet quizzical look that asks, 
"What the hell is wrong with you that you aren't married yet?"

Random restaurant guy:
I was feeling really sick so I went to my favorite pho restaurant for some soup.
"Just for one?'
"oh {insert The Look here}, well I will eat dinner with you."
Geez.  Do I have to share every meal with a significant other?

If I waited for a guy to do anything in my life, nothing would get done
...and apparently I would be really hungry.
Boy: "Little Numbers"

Monday, April 1, 2013

I don't wanna.

Ugh. Monday. 
I have been dreading today all weekend.
 Enjoy these gifs. 
I hope they make the day better.

Monday, March 25, 2013

It's like looking in a mirror.

I just watched this video, and well it's basically my life.
Time to turn it around!
P.S. Got caught in the candy isle by a LA Fitness Rep. He asked me to go to their gym. What is life?!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


I haven't had much time or want to crochet the past month or so.
But, recently I've been feeling the urge again.
However, there is a slight problem.
The weather.
It's getting warmer and I can no longer wear crocheted items.
I am loving this spring weather.
I have some lovely mint green yarn that I want to make a scarf out of,
but the weather is so warm that I won't be able to wear it!
What's a crocheter to do? 
My friend is talking about starting to try to have a baby with her husband,
so maybe I'll start working on this project for her!

Also, beware of when you search "crochet" on Pinterest.
You might just find something like this:

Image found via Pinterest
What the heck?
Or, you might find something like this:

Pattern Here
That makes you feel totally inferior as a crocheter.
All well...I see it as something to aspire to!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I hate when I get caught doing weird things.

I am a weird person. 
I embrace this fact about me.
But, it is always embarrassing when you get caught doing weird things.
Let's go down memory lane, and I can give you an example.

Image found via Pinterest
 I had the house aaaalllll to myself.
My parents had gone on vacation for the week.
So, naturally I stayed in my jammies for like 3 days straight.
I hadn't washed off my make-up either.
Major racoon eyes!
So, I'm sitting in my gloriously sloth-like state.
And not only that....
...but I was fully engaged in a documentary marathon...
about ballerinas.
I know. I'm weird.
Little do I know, that my super cute neighbor decides to come over.
Racoon eyes. Oily hair.  Russian Ballerina envying gloriousness.
Caught by all people...a cute guy!
Womp womp.
He invited me over for a party that night.
So, I had to get ready super quick.
But it turned out to me a good night.
I'm probably remembered as the girl who likes Russian Ballerinas!
Who does that?

Image found via Pinterest
Do you get caught doing weird things too??

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let's Talk On The Real {Budgeting} + Bloglovin'

Let me just start off by saying....budgeting sucks.
I mean, I have this money, why can't I spend it they way I want it?
^OK that sounded a little bit too much like JG Wentworth
But, really, why should I budget?
Oh, I will tell you all the reasons why!

If you're like me at all you need to save money to travel the world!
I learned lessons in budgeting when I was saving money to go to Europe and road trip to Alaska.
I was so happy that I had saved that money so I could have those experiences.

Somewhere in Yukon, Canada
So you can pay for unexpected items.
Like that oh-no moment when you drive on a nail and need a new tired.
Or a new transmission.
Or computer.
Or hair straightener (why are those so dang expensive anyways?)
Why can't I live somewhere where I don't have to rely on owning a car?

I was talking to my dad the other day about Roth IRA accounts.
If I start putting in 10% of my salary every year now vs. 5 years from now
then I should be able to retire when I am 55-58!
This is coming from my dad who is really good at money and who retired at 55!
Say what?!  You bet your cute little booty I am going to try my best to do that
But, really, 10% is going to be difficult.
Let's say that I waited 5 years to start saving for retirement...
I wouldn't be able to retire until 70!
Yikes.  I'll start saving now that you very much.

So moral of this post is that yea, budgeting sucks. 
Skipping over buying new clothes every week sucks.
But, what doesn't suck?
Being able to afford things that you have to pay for, want to do in the long run, and retiring earlier than most.

In other news....what's going on with this google reader stuff?  To be safe, follow me over on Bloglovin'!

Follow on Bloglovin

Jim James: "State of the Art (A.E.I.O.U.)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Good things happening.

You know when you worry about things,
but then it turns out your worry was for nothing? 
Well, I was worrying.
And the worst part?
It wasn't even significant things.
And well, if I'm being honest, it wasn't even significant worry I was worrying.
I was worried that I would possibly be put on-call at work
for one of the super fun weekends I had planned before getting this job.
The good news is that the schedule came out and I won't be on-call until the end of June!
So, you know what that means?
That means that I get to go to the Bottle Rock Music Festival in Napa May 10-12.
And, Portland the next weekend for the Rock N' Roll series half marathon!
Waaaah!  I am so excited and relieved!
59 days until the music festival! 
I have been wanting to see The Black Keys live for like ever. ever. ever.
I am also so pumped to see:
Alabama Shakes, Andrew Bird, Dirty Projectors, Kings of Leon, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Iron & Wine, Cake, GroupLove, Rogue Wave, and to discover new people to like!

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros: "Man on Fire"
I LOVE them live!
Seriously. Cannot. Wait. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My first vlog: What's in a name?

Check out my first vlog!

Also, editing is hard!  And I couldn't figure out how to add music.
Any tips you guys have feel free to send it my way!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Unhealthy Celebrity Crushes

I've been crushing you guys.
Like, hard core I want to be you/ date you crushes.
I'm talking about celebrity crushes.

Who's on my list?
Let's do a count down.

#4- Chris Pine.
Image found via Google
I like this guy for so many reasons.
Have you seen Bottle Shock?  
Stop what you are doing right now and watch it.
It's on Instant Netflix!
That's one of my favorite movies.
And he has a BA in English.
It's like we were meant to be.

#3- Jennifer Lawrence
Image found via Google
Umm, can I please be her?!
She is so fun and pretty and everything I want to be in life!
She was brilliant in Silver Linings Playbook. I loved that movie too.
Every interview I see with her...I just can't get enough!

#2- James Franco

Where do I even start with James Franco?
He is so handsome,
and funny,
and smart (he has like 4 PhDs or something like that)
My obsession with him is unhealthy.
Like. I can't even.
I can't get enough of this interview with him!

#1- Adrien Brody
Image found via Google
\Now, a lot of people might be like huh? him?
Yes. I'm not sure why, but I just find him so attractive.
And he learned how to play the piano for when he was preparing for The Pianist.
Can you say dedication?

Who's on your celeb crush list?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

"You don't watch (insert lame tv show here)?!"

People ask me all the time what shows I'm watching these days.
TV is such a waste of time.

Let's see:
The Walking Dead
The Biggest Loser
The Following
Hart of Dixie
Vampire Diaries
Grey's Anatomy

Is that a lot?
I think it kind of is.
I wish I wasn't into tv so much.
TV is kind of stupid...if you really think about it.
Did you really think about it?
I think I'm getting better at watching less because 
I realized that I hadn't watched The Biggest Loser and The Following and Hart of Dixie for like 2 weeks.
So, I'd count that as a win.

Image found via Tumblr.
 I think Michonne is becoming one of my favorites.
But, I don't think I could ever cut of The Walking Dead.
It is too good.

Image found via Tumblr.
and of course I love Daryl. 
He's not the type of guy I'd go for in real life, but I really like his character.
Hi, let's rename this post to The Walking Dead 
characters I love (can't forget Glenn and Maggie) and hate (ahem *andrea*). 
I think I might try cutting it down to only that.
Mmmm, no wait.  I can't give up The Biggest Loser.
OK, so just those two.

 Tom Waits: "Hold On"

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mumbo Jumbo.

I'm a bad blogger.
Have you noticed I haven't posted since Thursday?
Shall I update you on my fast paced crazy hectic life?
I helped my sister and her husband move into their new house over the weekend.
I told them I was only in charge of taping the boxes.
...and drawing funny pictures on them.
If you have to move all your crap, then you might as well have some fun with it.

 My sister and I used to watch Mrs. Doubtfire over and over when we were little.
This version is hilarious.

Sunday I went out with a lovely friend to a burger place.
Have you heard of it?
Oh my huge burger!
I don't know if I have told you guys before, but I don't eat cow.
Not for any animal rights reasonings, just for the reason that I don't like it (or ground meat of any kind).
It must be the blood in the meat.  TMI? Don't want to eat meat anymore?  Good.

Image found via Pinterest
So, that's a fun fact about me.

Back to the point:
I decided to build my own burger.
Good thing Melissa was there to help me.
I'm pretty sure she designed my whole burger.... and named it.

Veggie En Fuego:  
Veggie patty, honey wheat bun, cheddar cheese (I think), roaster red peppers, 
roasted corn and black beans, beer battered jalapenos, and chipotle adobo mayo.

We also got some fries with the bacon ketchup, and fried pickles.
And beer to wash it all down....obvi.
Oh my deliciousness.
But, oh how sick I felt the next day!
I've been eating pretty healthy, so I think eating the fried stuff made me a bit sick.
But, I do say it was worth it!
Since Sunday, nothing fun to report besides working.
But, I am happy to be working.
Gotta get that cash mon-aaaaay.

P.S. Anyone watching The Walking Dead??

Hanni El Khatib - "You Rascal You"

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I usually don't realize it's the first of the month in time.

This is the first time in probably 6 months that I have been aware of the date.
I usually don't realize that it is a new month until usually 6-7 days into it.
But, now that I have a job- I am acutely aware of the date.
Here's what I have planned for the month and some goals that I have.

Image found via Tumblr
Work-out every day. 
NO SODA!  Only water.  All day. Every day.
Stay within my budget.

Help my sister move into her new home.
Dinner with two of my old co-workers.
Sorority Casino Night Fundraiser
Dinner with my cousin when she comes into town.
Look for stuff for when I move out in a couple months.
Like a new bed/ bedroom set, couch, table, and dishes.
I really want strawberry dishes/ a strawberry themed kitchen.

Ya know...When I list it all out it doesn't really seem like much.
But, I think it will be a good month!

 Peaches: "Fuck the Pain Away"

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Let's Talk On The Real {Pimples}

Ugh. Pimples.
Hi, I'm 26 years old and still break out like a teenager.
Wait, I take that back.
My pimples have matured as I've gone into my advancing age.
Huge (think like 3-4 pimples rolled into one!), cystic, painful, pimples.
What. The. Heck.
But, I think I have found out what the problem is.

Image found via Pinterest
Problem #1- Freaking Mother Nature.
I get these kinds of pimples around my period.
Funny how they last all month and not a week.
I went on birth control to help.
It does. Kinda.
Now, instead of getting these pimples every month, I get them every couple months.
But, hey I'll take that over every month!
Solution? No solution here.  It's impossible. What more can I do?

Problem #2- Soda.
I just thought about this the other day.
I think that soda really brings these kinds of pimples about.
I noticed that I was drinking a lot more soda than normally, 
and I have been breaking out with these painful pimples a lot more. 
So, I'm thinking there is a connection here.
Solution?  Stop drinking soda! duh.  And obviously more water and more water!

Problem #3- Splenda.
Splen-mothingf'ing-da...  Makes these pimples come out with a VENGENENCE!
Not just for a couple weeks...but MONTHS! and they'll look like they're going away, then BAM! 
They come back for more!  I won't ever eat stupid Splenda!
Solution? Duh again, stop eating splenda!  
I haven't had splenda in like 2 years. But, it's not something that is hard to stay away from anyways.  
But, I'm sure there is a link to splenda and soda (Since I typically drink diet sodas)

Problem #4- Picking the pimples.

Image found via Pinterest
 I'm sorry, I just can't help myself.  
I have to pick at them.  
They are HUGE and I just can't have a big fat pimple staring myself right in the face
...and looking at other people!  
Also, they are so painful that it feels better when I pop it.  
Is this TMI? 
 But, then I keep picking at it...and that's probably why they last longer too.
Solution? Well, stop picking at them obviously...but I just can't help myself!

Imgae found via Pinterest
I have had some kind bloggers give me some tips for managing these raging pimples 
(like making an aspirin paste and applying to the pimple.  
Oh my gosh, let me tell you how much of a life saver that tip was! 
It relieved the pain and also I think helped it heal faster!)

I hope you aren't plagued with these raging pimples like I am!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Aussie Goodness.

The great thing about traveling is meeting people from all over the place.
On my trip to Alaska, 
I went with one of my sorority sisters 
and a girl that she met on her Europe trip who is from Australia.
Can I please tell you how much I love Australian people?
They are so freaking nice.
I haven't made my way to Australia just yet, but I definitely plan to!
Although, this might deter me a bit!

Image found via Pinterest
But, she did send me a delightful parcel in the post!
Is that how Australians would phrase it?  I'm going to say yes.
It was full of yummy things found only in the land of oz.
And also, some cute things because she knows me!

1- Cadbury Chocolate: Rasberry Mouse flavor.
The most delicious chocolate ever!
2- A dolphin card.
It's an inside joke.
3- Tim Tams- 2 packages!  
A raspberry flavor and a chocolate flavor!
4- A Russian Nesting Doll.
I am OBSESSED with these things!
5- Milo
What would Tim Tams be without a little Milo for a Tim Tam Slam?!

Oh my goodness I am on an Aussie overload!
Not enough Australia in this post for you?
Please enjoy one of my favorite Australian bands!

Boy & Bear: "Rabbit Song" 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Who doesn't like a discount?

I think I have raved about the deals I find at Kohl's a few times on this blog.
Like, I can't find business pants that fit right anywhere else!
Well, from my post earlier this week, Kohl's reached out to me.
They are offering a 10% discount for their store online!
From now until March 9th!
Just enter TENFORBLOG for the code!
This code can be combined with one other department code as well!
Say whaaat? Discount on discount?  I'll take it!

I've been searching everywhere for some grey work pants so I'm thinking I'll use the code for these!

Image found from friend's FB page.
 I can't even tell you how much I love T-Rex jokes!

Happy Friday to everyone!
I was up all night because I thought I made a bit of a mistake at work, 
but I called in first thing, and it looks like it wasn't really a mistake 
(Hey!  I've been at this job barely 2 weeks, and I'm still learning the ropes!) 
and I prevented it from happening (just so I can double check with my supervisor)! woo hoo! 

Take the time for a little dance party today, okay?
Kesha: "We R Who We R"

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I had good intentions.

I actually set out all my outfits for work this week on Monday night.
I had plans to take a picture of each outfit and make a fun little post out of it.
But, then I forgot to take a picture of my outfit today.
Good thing I am not a fashion blogger.
I attribute that to the fact I was having a horrible hair day and spent over and hour trying to do it.  Lemme tell you, that it about 50 minutes longer than I normally spend trying to do something with it!

I will tell you though, that I did get a lot of compliments on my outfit today!  
I'm just glad that they weren't looking at the mess of a hair do I was rocking today!

Please ignore my horrendously dirty room!

So, I think I'll just leave you with the outfit I wore on yesterday.
The sweater I got at a local shop (you can shop at the store online here)
They have really good prices! 
The undertanks I got there as well.
The pants are from Kohl's. Shoes are Target. And the watch is from Charming Charlie
Oh my accessory overload that is Charming Charlie!  That might even be an understatement!

Song for today:

Ceasars: "Jerk it Out"

Monday, February 18, 2013

90 days.

Alright, confession time.
I haven't trained for my half marathon coming up in 90 days exactly.
I know. Go ahead.  Tell me I am a bad person.
Have any of you trained for a half marathon?
Is it too late to start training?
Image found via Pinterest

Ideally I'd like to keep a 10:00 mile pace.
Do you think that that is at all possible to train for?
I'm not sure what my mile time is at right now. 
Probably somewhere around 12:00, if not more.

Also, I saw a before and after pic on Pinterest of a girls transformation of 90 days.
She looked bangin'!
That motivation right there, since that's the exact amount of time that I have!
I'm going to take before and afters too! Can't wait!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It looks like I lied on my resume.

I am one of those people that tells the truth.
At all times.
I'd attribute it to the fact that I am really kind of lazy.
I don't want to have to keep up with lies and have to remember all the time of what I said to who.
So, I just find that it makes my life a whole lot simpler to just tell the truth.

Have I mentioned that my new job is going to make me fatter?  That's a whole other post!

On my resume, I put on there that I know how to use Excel and Outlook.
Which is 100% true.

Image found via Pinterest
 My computer was finally set up late Thursday.
They did have Excel and Outlook uploaded to the computer.
However, the versions that they have on there are WAY outdated.
So, yea I do know how to use these programs...just not the versions that they have!
Yeesh, I feel like I have to re-learn these programs 
because I have no idea where anything is in the old versions!
So, it looks like I lied on my resume- but they also don't have the updated programs!
What. The. Heck.
I want to ask ask them to get the new versions...
but I don't that will happen since my desk chair is literally from the 1970's.
All well.

What would be better than an outdated song to go with this post?
Sugar Ray: "Every Morning"

Friday, February 15, 2013

Embarassing work moment

I say a lot of dumb stuff.
I am aware of this.
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So, at work today my boss invited me to an event one of our vendors was holding.
It is supposed to be down at the race track in a city nearby.
He said it was the asphalt vendor that invited him.
I didn't put two and two together.
So, I said, "Oh, I've never been to a horse race before!"
He laughed and laughed and laughed.
He said it wasn't horse races, but drag racing!
He was like, "There won't be real horses, but there will be horse power!"
Oh dear, I think the boys laughed at me for the next 2 hours!
I don't think I will hear the end of it tomorrow when I go!

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 Also, I'm not sure what the photo has to do with the text, but I thought it was funny.
Have I mentioned that I have only been at this job for a week?
I'm making quite the impression aren't I?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Galentine's Day is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.

I'm sorry if you use the term "Galentines" to mean Valentine's Day spent with your girl friends.
But, the term really irritates me.
Valentine's Day is supposed to be spent with a significant other,
and yea it does suck to be single on this day.
...thanks for asking.

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 And maybe I am not as bold to be like fuck it... I'm going out with my friends instead of sitting at home.
I'm not trying to sound bitter, because I'm not.
It's just what I am thinking.
Be proud of being single.

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  There is something special about being able to do whatever the hell you want.
Though, it is nice to have someone always there for you!
But that's a whole other post in itself. 
So, I'm pretty sure that my night spent will be spent with my BFFF 
(Best Fucking Friend Forever) 
Malbec wine and will end up with advice like this:
That Malbec is such a little betch.

Please enjoy this song
Lykke Li: "I Follow Rivers"
Also, I have a huge girl crush on Lykke Li!  She is freaking awesome.