Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Best Place in the Whole Wide World.

You guys probably already know this,
but I have the best MeeMaw in the whole world!
She's literally the most amazing person.
I want to be her when I grow up.
I went to visit her this weekend,
it's about a 4 hour drive from where I live.
and her farm is the most amazing place you will ever go to.
She is such a freaking bad-ass, like, I can't even.
She is 78 years old, and runs a farm.
She has a horse, sheep, 2 dogs, and like 100 cats.
No, she's not a crazy cat lady...she needs them to keep to gofers away.
She also used to have lots of chickens, but the coyotes kept eating them.
She'd let me collect the eggs, and wouldn't get mad when I would accidentally drop them!
These are her sheep.  One of them just had a baby on Easter. I think you can see it in the photo.

I have some photos of her farm around here somewhere!
I guess that will have to be another post!

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