Saturday, December 29, 2012

Do I look different?

Take a good hard look at my face.  Go ahead... I'll wait...

 Even though I wouldn't ever call this my favorite picture of me.

But today marks my 26th year of life.
Yes, today is my Birthday!

I'm having a little dinner party with some of my friends to celebrate.

I feel like your birthday is a time to reflect on your life for the past year.  
New Year's is a time to do that as well.
Being born so close to New Year's- I only really have to reflect on my life once a year. Woo hoo!
I always thought my life would be different at this age.  But one thing is for sure- I definitely thought I'd be able to put on mascara without getting it all over my eyelids by this point in life!


  1. Happy Birthday!!!! Eat a big slice of cake for me! :)

  2. oh, i'm so sorry i missed!! i hope you had a very happy day :) the party looked like it was a success.
