Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Confidence Project

I was stalking reading over on Jessica's blog: Sew in Love and saw a wonderful post about The Confidence Project.  I thought that it was just the coolest thing since I have tons of things that I don't actually have the confidence to do and I would like to do it as well!

- Write a short story
- Re-plant my herb garden
(My first planting went awry.  The whole garden was plagued with mold!  We will see if I can get it going again.)
- Do a Vlog for the blog
- Start and finish this crochet project
(this will be my first blanket that I will have ever crocheted...if I can get myself to complete it!)
- Actually do one of the recipes on my Pinterest recipe board
(instead of just pinning it like I normally do...I haven't actually ever done one!)
- Surprise someone with a gift
-Take one photo a day for the month of November.
-Do the Insanity fitness program.
(anyone need a fitness partner?  I have a feeling I'll need a buddy to help stay motivated!)

These look like great things to get started with.  I can't wait to share the experience with you guys! I'll start tomorrow (but seriously, tomorrow, November 1st!)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I'm so excited you're doing this project too! I can't wait to start knocking things off my list that I've been kind of scared to do...hopefully I can get all of it done! Looks like you got a great list! Good luck doing it all :)

    -Jessica (Sew In Love)
