Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's ok Thursday #3 and Giveaway Winner!

I'm linking up again today with Amber and Neely for It's OK Thursday!  Please see the last section of the post for the giveaway winner!

Its Ok Thursdays
It's ok...

...that I don't really know if this is the third It's OK Thursday that I have participated in.
But I made my best guess at it!

... that I watched Pocahontas last night
Flash back to me in 1st grade having my first "date" to see this movie!

...that the Pocahontas writers were grossly unaware of what actually happened in history.
But isn't that most all Disney movies anyways?

 ...That I kind of like Taylor Swifts new song.
Shhhh... I won't tell anyone if you won't!

...That now I feel like I have to justify that I really do like "good" music (look at me being a hipster!)
"Days" The Drums

 ^^^OB-sessed with this song!

And now on to what you have been waiting for!  The winner of my first ever giveaway is..... Erica from Caught on a Whim!

The winner was determined using super high technology aka putting names in a cup.

Thank you everyone for entering my little giveaway...I hope to have more in the future!

Also, if you would like a handmade scarf or headband like the one in the giveaway shoot me an email and we can work out prices...I'm still trying to decide if I should open an etsy shop or not!


  1. You should so open an Etsy store, your stuff is cute!!! I am getting ready to open one soon for picture frames and other such dust collectors.

    1. ahhh maybe I will! I have been seriously contemplating it! Good luck with yours!

  2. you should totally open an etsy shop! i just love pocahontas :)

    and i totally love that new taylor song... i hate to admit it!

    1. I hate to admit it to...I have a rep to protect, ya know? lol!!

  3. New follower VIA Helene's giveaway :)

  4. Ahhh, I haven't seen pochahontas in forever! Now I wanna watch it :)

  5. I've never heard of The Drums...I must not be a hipster ;) I am digging that song, though! Hi from Helene's giveaway!

    1. I discovered them through Spotify or else I don't think I would have heard of them either. I think they are pretty good. Glad you are here :-)

  6. Hiya - following back from the hop!

    I LOVE Pocahontas (and I kinda love that Disney is so historically inaccurate - in fact I love it so much I always try to work them into my History classes!)

    Taylor Swift's new song is amazing :)

