Monday, December 17, 2012

Crocheting machine.

I have been quite the crocheting machine as of late.  I was given a HUGE bag of yarn this week.  I got right to making this wine cozy with some of the Christmas yarn in the stash.  My mom asked if she could give one to the lady who had given me all the yarn, and of course I said, "yes"!  She liked it so much she asked if she could buy some from me!  It is always such a huge compliment when people want more! haha!  I thought I'd get a little creative with some of them.

My photography skills are lack-a-crackin' I am going to blame it on the lighting.  Seems legit.

Christmas is coming soon! I ventured to Toys R Us...and that was a delight!  Seriously though.  I really love angry holiday shoppers...they are SO entertaining that I just can't help but smile and laugh!

I'd like to give you some more Christmas cheer with what else than more Sufjan Stevens!

Sufjan Stevens: "Hey Guys!  It's Christmas Time!"


  1. Love the wine bottle cozy, they are so pretty! I wish I had your mad crochet skills!

    1. haha I just have waaaay too much time on my hands to practice lol

  2. These are awesome!!! Definitely making a few of these to give away with some sparkling cider for Christmas. :)

    1. What a great idea! I was thinking of doing that as well, but after making all these I need a break haha!

  3. nice job on the cozies! they are so cute :) i'm not surprised they wanted you to make more!

  4. this is awesome!! you are seriously so talented!

  5. Oh those are so cute! I wish I could make some too!

    1. Well not working right now leaves me a lot of time to whip some up haha!
