Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Alright, that's it, I'm throwing out my scale.

OK, I lied, not really.  But, you see, I have this problem.  I weigh myself every.single.day.  I think this is a California thing because when I was signing up for health insurance a few months ago the woman I spoke with asked me when the last time I weight myself was.  I thought it was normal to weigh myself every day, but she said she had noticed that most people don't even weigh themselves once a year, and the people that did weigh themselves every day (or every week) were mostly from California!  What the heck?!  Not weighing myself?! That gives me anxiety!

I know it's not healthy to weigh yourself everyday.  Sometimes I would weigh myself even more.  For example: when I woke up, after I went to the bathroom (tmi?), after I showered, after I ate, after I worked out, right before bed... too often.  My name is Katie, and I am a compulsive weigher.

So, I am trying to keep it to once a week.  It makes me mad when I would gain half a pound from the day before, and then I'd just binge eat and never get anywhere.  So, once a week I think will be good.

How often do you weigh yourself?

Don't forget to check out my giveaway! 


  1. I weight every few days! but i think once a week is best.

  2. I try to keep it to around once a week, except for that special week of the month where I do not want to know that I gained/lost +/-10 pounds!

  3. I weigh myself just about every day, but I try to record it only once a month in an app I use. I am also from CA, haha. I try not to worry about weight unless it stays for a few days in a row.

    1. haha maybe there is something to this Cali theory! lol

  4. That's probably a much healthier relationship with weight than I am at right now, but I'm sure I will get there too :-) However, just thinking about only weighing once a year frightens me! haha!

  5. I do like Thessaly, and kinda go by the clothes. Def try it?!
    Tonight I walked right past the locker room...where the scale is.
    It was first time back in the gym in 4 weeks so really it would've been my first time back on the scale too. But you know what?! I walked right past it. I know my clothes are fitting and I had just had a good workout so why bother with some number?! If it was high than maybe it would sit wrong with me and if it was low maybe it be false security. Like you said, that damn number goes up and down through the day or simply day by day! I say, forget the scale. It lies. You are the same person no matter if its monday or tuesday and 7am or 8pm. If your jeans still fit then all is well!

  6. Ahh I wish I had your will power to resist the scale! I think I will try to go by how my clothes fit for a month at first...then hopefully I'll break this horrid habit!

  7. I took the batteries out this morning :-) That should help I think!
