Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Confidence Project

I was stalking reading over on Jessica's blog: Sew in Love and saw a wonderful post about The Confidence Project.  I thought that it was just the coolest thing since I have tons of things that I don't actually have the confidence to do and I would like to do it as well!

- Write a short story
- Re-plant my herb garden
(My first planting went awry.  The whole garden was plagued with mold!  We will see if I can get it going again.)
- Do a Vlog for the blog
- Start and finish this crochet project
(this will be my first blanket that I will have ever crocheted...if I can get myself to complete it!)
- Actually do one of the recipes on my Pinterest recipe board
(instead of just pinning it like I normally do...I haven't actually ever done one!)
- Surprise someone with a gift
-Take one photo a day for the month of November.
-Do the Insanity fitness program.
(anyone need a fitness partner?  I have a feeling I'll need a buddy to help stay motivated!)

These look like great things to get started with.  I can't wait to share the experience with you guys! I'll start tomorrow (but seriously, tomorrow, November 1st!)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday's Sylvia

I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited."
-Sylvia Plath

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Weather juju

I think that my crocheting spree which I would rather call Fall weather crochet juju is working...if I do say so myself.  It has cooled down quite a bit, and it looks like it is going to be in the 70's this week!  So, with that in mind and also hoping that this delightful weather will stay for awhile- so maybe I should rename it to Fall weather please continue crochet juju I made a cable knit headband.

If you are into crocheting at all, you can find the pattern here.  She describes the skill level as intermediate, and I would say that's true- but definitely an easy intermediate.  If you have trouble figuring out the stitches try youtubing it...that has been the most help in my crochet endeavors.

I also added a small border around the front and back mostly because I haven't quite gotten the hang of even ends and also partly because I wanted a bit more depth to it.

Sorry for the weird lighting in these photos and that they were taken in my bathroom lol But it was the best lighting option I had.  The yarn is Red Heart brand in Dark Sage.  I think next time I will try to do it with a softer yarn.  I have some baby yarn so I think I might give that one a go.

I tried this pattern to give myself a break from this one.  I am just having the hardest time figuring out what I am doing wrong since it isn't turning out right.  I thought it was the cable stitch that I was doing wrong which I suppose could still be the reason, but this headband turned out now I am in the frustrated stage of not being able to figure out how to get this blanket done! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

iphone graveyard.

I'm not sure about you guys, but the pictures I take on my phone seem to get taken- then lost. I forget about them completely.  Then today I was going through my phone and I suppose in a way kind of reliving my life.  But, here are some photos from the past 2 years or so.

From one of the many wine nights with my girl friends.  We were pretending to cheers like they do on The Bachelor.

My pup.  He's adorable when he sleeps...vicious when he wakes.

I couldn't resist taking a photo of this beautiful sunset!

My Kenyan friend took me to a Kenyan restaurant (all vegetarian dish for me) it was beyond delicious!

My mom found this poor kitten abandoned.  She rescued it and it is now living at my Meemaw's farm.  We initially named it Milo, but it turns out it is a girl so we call her Miley.

A little white wine to enjoy on the hot day I spent in Venice, Italy.

A Hawaiian inspired drink my mom made me to celebrate my parents return from their vacation to Hawaii.

I can't be the only one with an "iphone graveyard" can I?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday's Sylvia

So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes. Yet, they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully if only you were interested in them.” 
-Sylvia Plath

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Princess Pancake Breakfast

Princess pancakes (or I guess technically waffles, but that's not very alliterative) with my nieces for breakfast.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Zombie Zombie Zombie!

I guess you could say I'm not the biggest fan of Halloween.  Call me crazy, but I don't like getting scared and then not being able to sleep at night I am a very serious sleeper- don't disturb my slumber! But, I do like the other aspects of it- The Fall decorations, seeing my nieces dressed up in their costumes, the weather cooling down ya hear me California?  It's time to cool down!, and the over all atmosphere.

I was perusing Pinterest yesterday, and I came across this recipe for Candy Corn Bark.  Instantly, I knew I had to make it.  My Meemaw loves candy corn, so I thought it would be perfect to make and send to her Provided that I obtain the correct candy corn that is the only kind she likes and is only out during Halloween.  I really hope I got the right kind!.

Although Halloween isn't for another couple weeks, please enjoy this music video about zooOOoombies! That's Halloween-ish, right?  Suuure it is.  I promise it isn't scary. Unless you have some aversion to zombies.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

There's a storm a-brewin'

...or at least I wish there was.  Hey, California!  What's the deal with the 90F weather?  Maybe all this crocheting that I have been doing is a way to bring good Fall juju.  I made this blue scarf one for my friends' birthday (sure her birthday way last week, but I won't remind her if you won't!  Belated birthdays are my favorite anyways because it makes them last longer!). 

This scarf was so stinkin' easy to make that I made another one (a tiny bit shorter than the blue one).  I'm thinking of doing some sort of giveway for this white scarf (you can even tell your friends that you made it! haha!)...maybe once I hit 10 followers! 

I pulled my hair a bit to the side so you could see both sets of buttons on it.  I think I might move them looks too symmetrical to me (and I hate symmetry!)

Here is a close up shot (yarn and buttons from the ever classy Wal-Mart), and you can find the pattern here (it's perfect for beginning crocheters!). 

Also, have you heard of Ravelry?  It's a fantastic site filled with patterns for crocheters and knitters!  You can even input the yarn that you have on hand, and the site will find patterns that can use it...pretty genius if you ask me.  Actually, I'm, wondering why I hadn't thought of this idea!

I'll keep you posted about the giveaway...if I ever make it to 10 followers!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

To do or not to do.

So, I've seen on a couple blogs lately of some girls training for a half marathon.  I have always wanted to do one, but  I am but no means a runner.  But, I am kind of getting motivated to try to do one.  Is that crazy?  I think I need seriously need to contemplate it. 

In other news, I finally bought The Dirty Heads newest album.  I'm obsessed with this song.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hello Bird.

Look what showed up at my house this evening.  How delightful.

Bird Thank you little yellow bird for inspiring me to get out my camera.

30 day song challenge- Day 26

Day #26- A song by your favorite band

The Black Keys: "Your Touch"

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival/ NorCal Weekend

I drove up from here in Southern California up to San Jose to visit one of my best friends.  We went to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival over in San Francisco.  Let me tell you, wow that was a crazy amount of people there!  We mainly wanted to see The Lumineers and The Head and the Heart so we only went to the FREE festival on Saturday.  It was pretty good, except that I was stuck next to some people who didn't know who The Lumineers were and decided talking about how one of them took the SAT that day, the other girl got married last weekend, and the guy is a freelance copywriter/advertiser.  If you want to learn more about their life just let me know.  I'm sure I could make a whole post on their conversation.  But, other than that it was fantastic!

On another note,  my best friend is a High School Chemistry teacher and I sat in on her classes on Friday.  She also sent me over to the English teacher to sit in on her class.  Let me tell you, this English teacher is absolutely phenomenal!  She actually has me thinking of starting the credential program to become and English teacher.  Perhaps once this high of seeing this delightful in teacher in action in the classroom wears off, I will come to my senses realizing that I don't really like kids and it wouldn't be a feasible career choice.  Or maybe I will get over my disdain for the adolescents and go for the credential.  Who knows what the future will hold!

30 day song challenge- Day 25

Day #25- An acoustic song you love

Angus Stone: "Wooden Chair"

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

30 day song challenge- Day 22

Day #22- A song that would be the theme song to a TV show about your life.

Sleigh Bells: "Comeback Kid"

Monday, October 1, 2012

I need to marry an Aussie boy!

Have you ever heard of Tim Tams?  Or even Tim Tam Slams?  Well, let me tell you that they are the best thing!  My friend from Australia showed it to me and I have been hooked ever since.  It is a Tim Tam cookie and the slam part is enjoyed with Milo.  The unfortunate part is that these cookies are only sold in Australia and New Zealand and Canada some places as we found out on our road trip to Alaska My friend sent me some in the post today and I cannot wait to devour some!

I cannot tell you how many we ate on that trip to Alaska...but I am so glad to finally have some in my possession!  So now, my plan is to marry an Aussie boy so that I will have an unlimited supply of Tim Tams!  That's what real love is based on, right?

30 day song challenge- Day 21

Day 21- A song you want to dance to at your wedding

LMFAO- Shots