Friday, November 16, 2012

Weekend get-a-way rituals.

Am I the only one that has rituals before heading away for the weekend? This weekend I am heading up to San Jose, California to visit my bestest friend!  Before I leave for a weekend, you can always tell without me saying so.  I always:

- Do my laundry
Like, all of it.
- Clean up my room
maybe even a bit of dusting (mmm no, I lied, no dusting haha!)
- Make my bed
This hardly ever happens
- Clean up my bathroom

I always, always, always (unless it's super last minute that I plan something away) do this before leaving for the weekend.  The worst part about coming back from a mini-vacation is the coming back part coming back to a mess of a room (I'm sure this list would be much longer if I didn't still live with my parents. wah wah).  I like looking forward to coming back to a clean room and everything in place.  I don't like to feel stressed that I should do it upon getting back, but being too tired to, ya know?

All packed up and ready to go.  It is supposed to rain up there all weekend.  So, yay for getting to wear my new boots!
 Funny side story: I went down to San Diego for the weekend a little while ago- making sure to do my little ritual before leaving.  However, I didn't let my parents know that I wouldn't be coming home for a couple days.  Queue to my mom calling me at 3 am (yes, I am 25 years old and my mom still worries about me being out late/ not coming home).  Once I let her know where I was, she said, "I should have known you were gone for the weekend, your room was clean and your bed was made!"  Context clues, mom.  Context clues.  haha!

Also,  I have a job interview today (right before I head out to leave for the weekend)!  I am hoping so much that this goes well and is what I want. *fingers crossed* 

Sorry for terrible quality photos!  And check out my cute shoes!  I just had to show you guys lol

Side note:  One of my facebook friends posted that he/she had applied to 4 jobs, and hadn't heard anything, and were "getting discouraged".  Ummm, what?  I have applied to at least 100 jobs and have barely had any responses!  Yeesh!

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by two fantastic bloggers!  Look for that post coming soon (Like when I get back from this weekend lol)

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